Project team
Fabienne Clérot, Director of emlyon alumni
We are proud to be the 1st French business school to provide blockchain certificates to all our graduates. Ten years after implementing the lifetime contribution, this is another major innovation we are offering our alumni. The new graduates who just completed their programs, are going to be the first ones to receive these blockchain certificates. Soon enough, all our alumni, as life members, will have access to this complementary service for free.
Benjamin Coste, Digital Project Manager at emlyon business school
The challenges of this project are many-fold: the first one is to boost recruiters’ trust in the brand emlyon business school, by certifying that the graduates they are recruiting did indeed train at emlyon, all the while reinforcing for graduates themselves, the value of their degrees on the job market. Additionally, this project reinforces the innovative and digital positioning of emlyon business school, as using future-proof technologies.
Luc Jarry-Lacombe, Co-founder & CEO BCdiploma
By trusting BCdiploma to issue on blockchain all of its alumni’s and graduates’ degree certificates, emlyon business school is becoming the European leader in “blockchain digital credentials”. The stakes are global, and the MIT W3C initiatives via national governments are proof of it. Congratulations to emlyon business school and emlyon alumni for their vision and the quality of their approach, always focused on providing students a useful and innovative service!
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